Basic preconditions for staying at our Hotel:

  • Current vaccination against infectious diseases.
  • Treating cats against internal and external parasites 3 to 5 days before arrival at the hotel. For treatment against internal and external parasites, we recommend Next Guard Combo, Advocate, or Stronghold. Treating against internal and external parasites is basic care for cats and is mandatory regardless of whether the cats live exclusively indoors.

When is the best time to bring my cat?

Cat arrivals and departures are scheduled in advance between 9 am and 7 pm. If you are bringing your cat to the hotel for the first time, it is advisable to arrange the check-in at least a day before your departure if you can. From experience, we know that we all become a little nervous before a trip, and since cats react strongly to the stress of their owners, it would be good for the check-in process to be done in a calm state to avoid unnecessary stress for your pet.

What do you need to bring?

  • It is mandatory to bring the cat’s passport or health record.
  • Some item that will remind the cat of home by smell (pillow, blanket, piece of your clothing, toy, or similar), as well as a little used litter that we will mix with new. Smells are very important to cats and greatly help in the process of adapting to a new environment. Therefore, we advise you to bring something in addition to the carrier in which you bring the cat, to make it feel at home.


What does arrival at the hotel look like?

Upon arrival at the hotel, it is best to hand over the cat carrier to the staff, who will place the cat in a prepared room where food, litter, and water await it. The hotel staff will then mix the used litter you brought from home with new litter, and distribute items that will remind the cat of home around the room. Together with the hotel staff, open the carrier door and let the cat choose what to do next. Some cats will immediately leave the carrier, while others may choose to scan the new environment from that position first. Never force the cat, but let it choose what to do on its own. Since cats are territorial animals and have a natural fear of the unknown, it is best to let them start exploring the new space at their own pace. Any forcing can upset your pet and negatively affect its further stay at the hotel. The hotel staff has hosted thousands of cats so far and will help you feel confident at every step.

While the cat, from its room, observes the situation around it, you will fill out the Boarding Agreement and Questionnaire, if you have not done so during your visit to the hotel. When the cat arrives, a minimum of 50% of the total amount is paid unless the cat stays longer than 30 nights.

It is advisable to stay at the hotel for no longer than 20-30 minutes, especially during the holiday and vacation seasons.

It is important to know that most cats need some time to adjust to new circumstances. It often happens that on the first day, the cat refuses any interaction with the staff, but the situation completely changes the next day, and such behavior is considered normal.

During the stay at the hotel, we send you textual, photo, and video reports according to a pre-arranged plan. In case of any drastic change in behavior or health condition, we will inform you immediately and take necessary steps in consultation with you and the veterinarian.

During the day, cats have individual activities in the common area according to their preference, in accordance with the hotel’s schedule, without contact with other hotel guests.